The world in my mom’s hand

Posted on August 21, 2011


“The dream of carrying the world in our bags is no longer a dream but a beautiful reality brought to us by Samsung”, I read aloud the first line I had typed out for my blog post.

Holding the neatly folded clothes in her hand my mom entered my room with a curious expression on her face having heard me read out the line.

“What is this all about?” she asked with a smile pointing at the picture of the Samsung tab on my screen.

“It’s a new tab amma” I replied lost in my world, trying to figure out the next lines for the blog post.

“Tab?” she asked confused

“It’s a tablet amma, it’s… it’s like a small computer.” I tried to simplify it for her.

A master at balancing the spices, a multitasking maestro, a skilled leader at making me clean up my room, but she was still a dreamer when it came to computers.

She dreamt and hoped of conquering the computer, surfing the web one fine day. Any conversation involving the word computer caught her attention. The word tab looked to have invoked the same sense of interest in her.

“Such a small computer, how can that be?” she sat by my side curious.

“It is the ultimate device amma” I got enthusiastic

“It’s so small, what can it do?”

“That’s the beauty of this Samsung tab.”

“It’s not small amma, it’s handy. You can easily carry it around in your bag. It’s not bulky so you can walk around the house holding it or sit in your room with the Samsung tab on your lap. It’s lighter than your book.” I smiled looking at her expression of sheer surprise

“I can keep it on my shelf in the kitchen and use the tab.” She jumped in excited

“But what will I do with it?” her voice dropped

“You can do everything amma, it’s got the best display. Big screen with a bright and clear display and absolutely no buttons, browsing the web with a tab is like eating a cake.”

“It’s not like a computer where you sit and wait for it to boot and then click a hundred times with the mouse, you just tap the facebook icon and facebook opens. Browsing the net is very simple. If you know how to tap then you know how to tab.” I smiled

“You can keep the tab on the shelf in your kitchen and browse through all the recipes from Tarla Dalal’s website. No need to run from the computer to kitchen or writing it down on a piece of paper.”

“Can I do that?” she asked excited

“With Samsung tab you can do everything amma.” I smiled

“What about the internet connection? I don’t want all wires in my kitchen.”

“It is wireless amma, internet is connected through Wi-Fi, which means no wires at all. Just those Samsung tabs you see on screen only that on your shelf.” I pointed out to the screen.

“But I will need space for my radio too.” She pondered

“There is no need for radio amma, all your favorite songs are just a tap away. I can load all your songs and you can enjoy the crystal clear voice of M.S Subbulakshmi without any distortion. You can watch all your favorite movies on it too. The Samsung tab is an explosion of entertainment.”

“You remember those videos of concerts of Subbulakhmi I showed on YouTube one day?”

“YouTube I remember, beautiful those videos were.” She smiled

“You can watch all those videos without having to sit in front of the computer. Enjoy them right in your room or in the kitchen.”

“There is no need for a calendar or a clock. You can take down your recipe notes in the tab, list out your grocery needs and just send it to me. I can buy them coming back from the office.”

“What do say?” I looked at her

“Must be expensive.” She worried

I spoke with a reassuring smile “A small price to pay for a multitasking genius, it is not more than our bulky computer amma.”

With a bright smile on her face she got up from the chair, before walking away she looked at the Samsung tab and smiled

“Having this Samsung tab would truly feel like carrying the world in my hands.”

I smiled thinking of all the features the beautiful Samsung tab had to offer, but the most appealing feature to me was that my mom could conquer the world of web now with just a tap on the Samsung tab.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 Launch

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